We are all on a journey to self-discovery. Every salient experience that we can recount can tell us a little bit about ourselves. When considered altogether, we will see a silhouette of who we are - our values, likes, character traits, beliefs and motivations. Often times, the revelatory thought process can help us identify which of the decisions we made were wrong and which were right. After poring over an inventory of past experiences, we can then decide how to move forward.Like most us, Leonor Fini - a historically iconic figure and one of the most cited woman artist - created a path to her ambitions from the experiences that took place in her life. She had rough childhood, a broken family and an unusually bizarre upbringing (her mother disguised her as a boy for a considerable period to protect her from her violent father). Nonetheless, she achieved what only male artists during the early 18th century could: fame, influence and respect through her artistic expressions. She positively made sense of her past and created a new "self" to make the most of her strengths and talents.We celebrate her life this month through our "Women in Art" exhibit. A purchase of her artwork is as significant as paying homage to someone's triumph over her past. Similarly, when you change your own path towards self-discovery and realize that your preference in art has changed, we'll make it convenient for you to change your art. We offer a lifetime exchange policy so that at any point you shift directions with art, we'll support you create a different self altogether.
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